Lara Bazant


The upward chevron symbolizes progress, positive change, aspiration, and ascension. Appearing on pottery and petrographs throughout the ancient world, the chevron can be considered to be one of the oldest symbols in human history. Wear it proudly to show off how far you have come and how much your soul has grown!

Lara Bazant is a Toronto-based mixed media artist, photographer and graphic designer with years of creative experience. She is an advocate of all forms of love - self, romantic, familial, platonic, and especially love of nature and mother earth.

In 2021 Lara had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening that transformed her from a sit-down corporate office worker into a stand up musical comedian and street dancer. It also caused her to have a sudden surge of collaging and handmade hearts.

Lara's designs are inspired by the Toronto communities that have welcomed her since this event: performers, artists and activists alike. Kundalini awakened a powerful sense of pure love and connection to the soul and that is what Lara's artwork conveys.

Lara's spiritual vibe is is contagious and infused into every design. It is guaranteed to activate your inner wisdom and will make you want to reach higher and love harder. 

View original artwork in Lara's portfolio at behance  ðŸ¦‹